Tuesday, December 28, 2010


My mom is an excellent cook... but I must admit I am no longer used to her cooking. She makes some excellent dishes, and her sauces are excellent. But I am not used to the amount of salt she uses in her cooking. Also, her vegetables are too overcooked for my taste. She uses a pressure cooker for virtually everything. According to her, the pressure cooker cuts down on the cooking time, plus preserves the vitamins in the vegetables. But she does make some excellent dishes:
This is a fillet in a pastry wrap. She added a bit of a stew into the wrap. It is excellent.
This is how the plate looked when the fillet in the wrap is served. It came with noodles and a warmed peach with whipped cream on top of the peach. I know it looks and sounds kind of strange, but it fits very well.
The chef and her creation:
Of course, one day we had Fondue... This is different then what we are used to. Mom buys a a mixture of two cheeses, and then makes the fondue from scratch. It is better than what we buy. It is much creamier.
Of course, fondue comes with white wine and some schnapps. By the way, adding broccoli or mushrooms to the fondue is a no no in our family :)
This is one of my favorite dishes. Schwarz Wurzeln, direct translation would be Black Roots. That's what they look like, like black roots.

Preparing the roots is very similar to preparing carrots, they need to be peeled. It is advised to peel them with rubber cloves on because the juice of the root stains the skin really badly and it cannot be washed off easily.
My mother cleans them in a mixture of water and vinegar to prevent the root from turning black.

This is the final dish:

This is what the served plate looks like. We ate a lot of meat. There was only one day, the day we had fondue, that we did not eat meat. But keep in mind, fish is very expensive in Switzerland. I would say about twice as expensive as what we are use to.

 Mom and Dad in the kitchen. It is not common to see Dad in the kitchen. He avoids the kitchen the best he can, but sometimes he does help out.

Each meal came with a desert, except when we had fondue. This is chocolate pear. Essentially a chocolate pudding with pears.

Now this is the famous Wine Pear. It is really delicious, and can only be made by special request, and some gifts have to be offered to the gods (the chef)  to ensure a successful creation.

Mom and Dad enjoying the desert...
This was also an excellent dish. Cabbage with Marroni and a "Brat Wurst" or Sausage. It is excellent. It is cooked in wine and there are some small peaces of bacon that are added flavor (and calories).

Oh, there was one day we had fish, trout fillet, of course on Friday. Traditionally we don't eat meat on Friday.
the trout was served on a bed of rice and "Fenkel". Also an excellent dish.

 This concludes the culinary tour of my mom's kitchen. Here is my dad doing what he does best in the kitchen. Serve the wine and taste moms cooking.

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